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Scripture Readings
February 2 - Luke 4:31-37
February 9 - Luke 5:1-11
February 16 - Luke 6:17-26
February 23 - Luke 6:27-32

We Are Not Alone Conference - February 1st from 8:45AM to 3 PM
If you’re looking for encouragement, spiritual renewal, and practical ways to connect with others, join us this Saturday, February 1st to watch the livestream of this District Conference. You are welcome to come when you can and leave when you need. If you are interested in watching it at home, please go to the Michigan District website and register today. Pastor Matt plans to incorporate the presentations into his teachings on Sunday mornings in February so please consider watching this conference in whole or parts of the presentations.

Living Water MomCo Valentine’s Meeting
If you picked up a Date Night Kit and would like to know more about the “Married People” program at St. Luke, you are invited to attend the next Living Water MomCo meeting on Thursday, February 13 at 10 a.m. Debbie Darragh will be the guest speaker, sharing how to use the kit and opportunities to have meaningful conversations with your spouse or “significant other.” Please RSVP to Linda Murdock, especially if child care is needed. MomCo provides a warm breakfast and coffee! MomCo is now for mothers of all ages and stages!

Circles of Washtenaw are Recruiting Volunteers
Circles is a unique, nationwide program which assists people who are in poverty (called Circle Leaders) work themselves out of poverty. Circle Allies support and help the Leaders by spending time with them, encouraging them, and helping the connect in the community to find education and training, jobs, develop budgets, etc. They are currently recruiting Allies for Cohort 7. Frank Murdock is an Ally in Cohort 6 and would happy to talk with anyone about joining this program. For a general overview of the program, you can visit their website.

January 13, 2025 Council Meeting
The meeting minutes are now available for your reading pleasure. You will also find the Policy Manual as well as minutes from past Council Meetings. To read any of these: go to www.livingwatermi.org select "Members", then "Login". After login, select "Council". In order to login, you need to be a registered user. If you are not already a registered user, please contact Doug Schilbe.



Upcoming Events
Saturday, February 1 - 8:45 AM to 3 PM - We Are Not Alone Conference streaming live at Living Water

Weekly Events
Sunday - 9:00 AM - Adult Bible Study
Sunday - 9:00 AM - Children's Education Hour
Sunday - 10:15 AM - Worship in person and on Facebook Live
Tuesday - 7:00 AM -  Men's Bible study on Zoom
Tuesday - 7:00 PM - Women's Evening Bible
Wednesday - 10:00 AM - Women's Morning Bible
Thursday (2nd and 4th) - 10:00 AM - Living Water MomCo (Breakfast and Childcare provided)

Contact 📧

Matt Canion

Jeff Braunscheidel
Church Council Chair

Laura Bowen
Business Manager

Josephine McClelland-Yong
Prayer Team




Offering 🎁

  • Check? ✅ Mail to 200 Barker Road, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189
  • Online? 💻 LW Giving Site
  • Phone? 📱 Venmo (download the app here)

ENews Signup

  • Click here to have our weekly ENews emailed to you


LW Altar

Voters Meeting: Sunday, July 25 (Immediately After Worship) 

You must be a Registered Member to access this information.