Scripture Readings
December 29 - Luke 2:22-35
January 5 - Luke 2:41-52
January 12.- Luke 3:15-20
January 19 -John 2:1-11
January 26 - Luke 4:16-30
Sunday, December 29 Education Hour
Adult Bible Study and Children's Education Hour will not meet this Sunday. Please join us again on January 5th at 9:00 am.
Communion Change (please read)
Communion will have a slight change starting on January 5, 2025. The colors of the liquid elements will change. The wine will be the dark color, and the grape juice will be the light color. If you have any questions please bring them to the 9AM study time.
Are Not Alone - February 1st, 2025
The topic of this event will cover how the local church can partner with other organizations to accomplish even more than ever before. Pastor Matt is looking to put together a team to attend this one day event. It will be held in Lansing, but can also be attended online if desired. Since there is a cost to this event, Pastor Matt would need a commitment from interested parties.
2025 LWML Epiphany Brunch - Save the Date!
Make plans now to attend this annual event on Saturday, January 11 at 9 a.m. The program will feature one-man-band Pastor Rennie Kaufmann and Esther Kaufmann in "The Other Wise Man." Brunch will be provided. A $5 suggested door donation covers food expenses. We will gather in the Lower Level at St. Luke, located at 4205 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor. A free-will offering will be taken for Pastor Kaufmann's music outreach ministry. Advance reservations may be made here and more details will follow.
Financial Update
Greetings church! Below, you will find the giving totals for November and the fiscal year to date. Your faithful giving has allowed Living Water to make an impact in Whitmore Lake! Our building is open; our people are serving in a multitude of ways. God is surely at work among us and in the community as we continue to build connections! If you have any questions about these numbers or would like to talk more about giving, please email our council treasurer at .
Date | Actual Monthly Giving Total | Budgeted Monthly Giving Total | Monthly Total Over or (Under) Budget | Cumulative Total Over or (Under) Budget | Actual Fiscal Year Giving Total YTD (Goal $177,000) |
11/30/2024 | $11,748.00 | $14,750.00 | ($3,002.00) | ($6,764.89) | $66,985.11 |
Voters Meeting: Sunday, July 25 (Immediately After Worship)
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