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Don't forget to SPRING FORWARD this Sunday!

Scripture Readings
March 9 - Luke 4:1-13
March 16 - Luke 13:31-35
March 23 - Luke 13:1-9
March 30 - Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

2025 Lenten Devotions
If you have not already, you can pick up a copy of the devotions we are using for this Lenten season at church. Pastor Matt will upload a nightly recap most nights for people to use at home to guide their daily walk with Jesus as we get closer and closer to the cross.

The Church Has Left the Building - March 16
Please tune into the Sunday morning service to hear the latest update on where we will be helping out this month.

55 Alive at St Luke Lutheran - March 17
The first 2025 meeting of 55 Alive will be on Monday, March 17 from 11:30 to 1:30 at St Luke Lutheran. They will have a pizza party and a guest speaker. Jim Kizer will share an overview of his trip to orthodox monasteries within Greece and Bulgaria. For more information, talk to Nancy  Reichenbach.

LWML Ladies Spring Brunch - March 22
Living Water Women are invited to St. Paul/Emmaus Lutheran Church on Saturday, March 22 for devotion, brunch, and a presentation by Vanessa Lane, CEO and Co-Founder of “BetterPlay Studios,” a Seattle-based therapeutic organization that uses video games to positively impact mental health. Doors open at 8:45 AM. Registration is $5.00, and the program begins promptly at 9:00 AM. St. Paul is located at 420 West Liberty, Ann Arbor with parking in the lot across Third St. or in the Krause St. Lot. RSVP to Angela Post at 734.904.3623.

Council of Lutheran Women - March 25
Our LWML Daughters On Mission (DOM) group has selected Jane Ross as our 2025 Woman of the Year. Jane is a longtime member of St. Luke Ann Arbor and serves as DOM Co-Chair. Jane will be recognized at the CLW Annual Luncheon at Crystal Gardens, Southgate on Tuesday, March 25. The luncheon starts at 11 AM and is by reservation only. Reservation requests to Donna Johnson at $38/person by March 15.

40 Days for Life Campaign
We have been invited to participate in the 40 Days for Life Campaign. It is a prayer vigil conducted both spring and fall outside the Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood clinic. The spring, 7AM to 7PM, prayer vigil begins Ash Wednesday, March 5th and ends on Palm Sunday, April 13th. It is a quiet witness of presence and prayer in which one to three people signup to spend an hour standing on the sidewalk near the clinic parking lot entrance. If you would like more information from a fellow Lutheran please contact Neil Skov at or visit the website at https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/annarbor.



Upcoming Events
Sunday, March 16 - The Church Has Left the Building - details TBD

Weekly Events
Sunday - 9:00 AM - Adult Bible Study
Sunday - 9:00 AM - Children's Education Hour
Sunday - 10:15 AM - Worship in person and on Facebook Live
Tuesday - 7:00 AM -  Men's Bible study on Zoom
Tuesday - 7:00 PM - Women's Evening Bible
Wednesday - 10:00 AM - Women's Morning Bible
Thursday (2nd and 4th) - 10:00 AM - Living Water MomCo (Breakfast and Childcare provided)

Contact 📧

Matt Canion

Jeff Braunscheidel
Church Council Chair

Laura Bowen
Business Manager

Josephine McClelland-Yong
Prayer Team




Offering 🎁

  • Check? ✅ Mail to 200 Barker Road, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189
  • Online? 💻 LW Giving Site
  • Phone? 📱 Venmo (download the app here)

ENews Signup

  • Click here to have our weekly ENews emailed to you


LW Altar

Voters Meeting: Sunday, July 25 (Immediately After Worship) 

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